The Asian Credit Union Regulatory Regime: Prospects and Possibilities// Handouts for 5th Credit Union/ Cooperative Regulators Conference (The Asian Credit Union Regulatory Regime: Prospects and Possibilities) and Credit Uni

Material No.
Call No.
The Asian Credit Union Regulatory Regime: Prospects and Possibilities// Handouts for 5th Credit Union/ Cooperative Regulators Conference (The Asian Credit Union Regulatory Regime: Prospects and Possibilities) and Credit Uni
Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU)
Management Function
General Management
Management Sub-function
Type of Material
Industry or Sector
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
Issue Focus
Copyright By
Copyright Year
Published By
Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU)
Published in
Bangkok, Thailand
Year of Setting
Country of Setting
Additional Topics
Source (Course)
Body Length
73 pages
Annex/es Length


In celebrating its 40th anniversary, the Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions or ACCU presided a workshop- conference for its member-cooperative and credit union regulators to discuss how monitoring and supervising finance groups like credit unions can help formalize and professionalize their systems and, at the same time, improve their methods in terms of their institutional performance and community impact. By looking into the cases of Canadian and Korean CUs, ACCU hopes that the participating regulators know how important their roles are and what are the action steps that they should do at present and in the future to enable their local credit unions.

Generally, this handout compiles all the discussions that ensued during the conference. It tackles the current issues and challenges faced by Asian credit unions both within their organization, with their partner agencies, and with their national government. Likewise, it also shows how the Korean credit unions emerge as valuable financial institutions and how they have positively postured themselves in the market through the help of supervision systems observed by regulatory bodies such as the National Credit Union Federation of Korea (NACUFOK).  Aside from those mentioned, this material also documents the creation of the ACCRA charter (Asian Credit Union Cooperative Regulators Alliance) to demonstrate how CUs and regulators can share on the obligation of developing, observing, and improving standard credit union operations.

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