NATCCO established the NATCCO Central Fund on September 2002 to provide deposit-taking and credit-granting services to affiliates and members of the network. The best practices of the Rabobank and Desjardins serve as the model followed by the Central Fund in its operations. Today, the NATCCO Central Funds has three functional service packages: liquidity fund, investment fund and loan fund.
The strategy that the Central Fund promotes is based on the simple, yet powerful idea that it is best for co-ops to invest the funds that the local co-ops could not utilize for lending purposes in a central co-op fund facility. The NATCCO Central Fund offers competitive yields for deposit products. The quality of service and security that co-ops receive in their transactions also serve as the reasons why the NATCCO Central Fund has become a Php 639M strong facility.
Our highly qualified fund managers invest the pooled funds from co-ops in government securities and in other quality investments to ensure maximized profits. Due in large part to the success of the Central Fund, numerous government agencies and funding donors are selecting NATCCO to be their fund conduits of their selected projects for the cooperative sector and certain non government organizations (NGOs) as well.
Savings Deposit
a deposit account withdrawable anytime with deposit rate higher than the regular bank’s savings deposit.
Liquidity Fund
these are short term deposit placement to match short term fund requirements. Funds are managed through investment on sound negotiable instruments such as government securities and commercial papers.
Loan Fund
these are long term deposit placement that provides high yield on investment rate. Funds are used to finance the financial requirements of our member-borrower via Credit and Collection unit.
Credit Line
A revolving loan accommodation that is renewable every year.
Features :
Term Loan
Loans for specific purpose other than working capital
Back to back Loan
Loans against deposit/placement with Treasury unit
Contact NATCCO to know how to avail these products/services.
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