Housing cooperatives are observed to be key players in solving housing problems around the world. By definition, a housing cooperative is a legal association formed by cooperators to allow for the provision of housing to its members. A key characteristic of housing coops is that they are owned and controlled by their members. It is also unique from other housing associations in that it upholds co-operative principles of open and voluntary membership, democratic control by members, members’ economic participation, commitment to service, autonomy and independence. Housing coops also promote education, training and information, cooperation among cooperatives and concern for community through their activities.
In the Philippines, NATCCO is pursuing housing co-op initiatives though the Bahaynihan and similar housing cooperative initiatives of NATCCO began in 1998 with a partnership with the Kooperativa Forbundet Project Center (KFPC) in Sweden where they advocate the internationally recognized ICA concept of Housing Cooperatives. Study visits of co-ops have been conducted since 2000 and now there have been several housing cooperatives with projects in Leyte, Iloilo and Quezon City.
Currently, the Housing Co-op program is organizing a Home Savings Fund Program for housing cooperatives. This is a centralized pooled home savings fund which may be used for lot acquisition, land development or housing construction, bridge-financing with Pag-IBIG Fund, NATCCO Central Fund for “matching fund scheme” and/or other financial institutions. It is hoped that by pooling these resources, home seekers all over the country will benefit once these funds are used for the development of a housing cooperative.
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