This handbook published by the Institute for Coop Excellence provides a brief overview of the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude of a cooperative bookkeeper for the appreciation of those who are planning to take on such role, or at least those who are seeking the perfect person for the task. In particular, this material states the fundamental requirements of a member or employee in a bookkeeping job, as well as the expected responsibilities, roles, and outputs of a bookkeeper on a daily or monthly basis. Moreover, it establishes the necessary mindset in this type of role that usually involves critical thinking and high attention to detail, aside from the usual quantitative prowess. For the purpose of polishing the bookkeeper's awareness and familiarity of the bookkeeper's task, the material adds a number of reference materials pertaining to difference between accounting and bookkeeping, types of financial statements, basic tips in bookkeeping, and important concepts, terms, practices, and control in accounting.